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the first forty days The essential Art of Nourishing the New Motherby Heng Ou I will use their overview of the book from the back cover because it says it all. “The First Forty Days is a short season in which you recover from birth and your baby unfurls slowly into the world. It is […]
~ December 15, 2017
Give yourself the gift of happiness this holiday season. Yes, the winter season is upon up and many people suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), those wintertime blues. It could be brought on the change in the quality and quantity of our sunlight. A light therapy box maybe helpful. Check them out by googling light […]
So, you are wanting to become pregnant?Both mom and dad should be their healthiest. While mom will carry the baby to term, dad is obviously 50% of the equation for a healthy baby. Healthy life styles for both parents would include 8 hours of high quality sleep nightly, control stress-meditation is the gold standard here, […]
There are a few glitches that need to be worked out with my new scheduling system. If you are experiencing any problems with scheduling your appointment- Please call or text 913-638-9024 and I will schedule for you. Thanks Joan
Donna K Kelly, RPh, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach contact Donna at: Integrative Nutrition Health Tips The foundation of health for humans requires we address 5 areas of our lives. These areas would be sleep, control stress, nutrition, movement, and connection with others in our community. Sleep-One should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per […]
I have just completed a pregnancy massage class through The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy. It was a wonderful class with lots of information on how to assist during preconception with or without ART. There are 3 focuses of Maya Abdominal Therapy at this time. The first being the health of the woman, 2nd […]
Another wonderful story of how The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy can help improve health and well being Journeys in Healing: “Peri-Menopause” February 2015 Submitted by Diane MacDonald on Thu, 02/19/2015 – 1:42pm Rosita Remarks Journeys in Healing: Experiences of Arvigo Practitioners and their Clients This is the third in a series of commentaries […]
I have just taken a wonderful class in Trager!! It was a very informative and restorative week. Come in and experience how relaxing Trager is and how the body loves to be in a more free and comfortable state. I am enjoying practicing this new technique and am working towards certification.
I love this article about how the body is listening. The body is always listening to what is said. If you say you are in pain or fat, your body hears and makes it happen. Here are 3 ways to start communicating differently with your body. Read the rest of the article too it will […]